A Mugging Epilogue
On a winter’s eve crepuscular.
Snuck upon me a mugger muscular.
As his gun turned me minuscular.
I almost burst something corpuscular.
A lot (inordinately so?) of words relating to shiny
things begin with “gl”…
glisten, gleam, glint, glare, glam, glimmer,
glaze, glassy, glitz, gloss, glow, and glitter.
I think euphonious is one hell of a
euphonious word.
And cacophonous is one hell of a cacophonous
I was 7 years old during the 1960 presidential campaign (and turned 8 shortly after the election) and have vivid memory of watching the Party conventions on TV. The entire thing struck me as so absurd and silly that I couldn't understand why all the adults were paying attention to it. The delegates were wearing goofy hats and buttons and getting all worked up every time some speaker yelled something nasty about the other party while pointing his finger like a scolding elementary school Principal. I simply couldn't process how this was considered serious business. If you take away the occasional mention of an issue or policy position, what's left isn't all that different from a Professional Wrestling Event. Why do we seem to forget the wisdom gained in childhood?
But you can always count on Madison Avenue to make sense of it all and put things in the proper perspective...
What you won't hear at either Convention...
I would like to thank my lovely wife, my terrific children, my inspirational parents and most of all, my amazing personal physician who introduced me to the wonders of Paxil.
All those jobs we've outsourced overseas, all the manufacturing infrastructure we've built abroad in foreign lands...well, it's never, never, ever coming back!
Religion has as much to do with good governance as table-manners has to do with good nutrition.
It's time for America to sit back, accept our inevitable decline and start taking Siestas!
The only way to stem the tide of over-population and hunger in the world is to introduce the one thing that will solve both. Cannibalism.
I stand before you as a man thoroughly compromised, politically neutered and 100% bought and paid for by those without whom you would all be paying for your own strip-club lap dances, all-you-can-eat buffets and mini-bar purchases at your hotel.
I do not say that..."These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert to fleece the people, and now that they have got into a quarrel with themselves, we are called upon to appropriate the people's money to settle the quarrel."
Ladies and gentlemen, lets' all put our hands together and join in singing "Which Side Are You On?" with a great American...Mr. Pete Seeger!
I would like to thank my lovely wife, my terrific children, my inspirational parents and most of all, my amazing personal physician who introduced me to the wonders of Paxil.
All those jobs we've outsourced overseas, all the manufacturing infrastructure we've built abroad in foreign lands...well, it's never, never, ever coming back!
Religion has as much to do with good governance as table-manners has to do with good nutrition.
It's time for America to sit back, accept our inevitable decline and start taking Siestas!
The only way to stem the tide of over-population and hunger in the world is to introduce the one thing that will solve both. Cannibalism.
I stand before you as a man thoroughly compromised, politically neutered and 100% bought and paid for by those without whom you would all be paying for your own strip-club lap dances, all-you-can-eat buffets and mini-bar purchases at your hotel.
I do not say that..."These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert to fleece the people, and now that they have got into a quarrel with themselves, we are called upon to appropriate the people's money to settle the quarrel."
And the reason I don't say that is because Abraham Lincoln said it first.
Ladies and gentlemen, lets' all put our hands together and join in singing "Which Side Are You On?" with a great American...Mr. Pete Seeger!
Hasn't been as hot a summer as some predicted-- though it's still far from over--and I'm inclined to use the AC as little as possible for various reasons, one of which is the feeling that the heat provides an effective motivator for slowing down and "chillin". And since I work in climate controlled environments, I actually look forward to the change of pace of just getting some outside air, regardless of its temperature.
While surfing images from an earlier era, found some tips on beating the heat circa 1953
But sister Deb has the best solution. Wear a Wet shirt!
One more thing...came across this pic too during my time machine travels and couldn't help but wonder what the reaction would be today to this shot taken back in the day of no seat belts or bike helmets. Some might surmise that folks were foolish ignorant back then, while I'm inclined to think that we've all devolved into chronic paranoia and unreasonable anxiety. Didn't Michael Jackson take a lot of heat for holding his kid like this on a balcony somewhere?