can't quite get a handle on these recent decisions. The evisceration of the most critical elements of the Voting Rights Act seems even more baffling in light of the subsequent decisions on Gay marriage. Ruth Bader Ginsberg seemed stunned and called the VRA decision an act of "hubris" and that the court had "erred egregiously". On the face of it, it looks like an instance of a major shift in the political/cultural winds where "Civil Rights" as it pertains to "race" is considered old news with a (mis-guided) perception that justice has been served in that regard and so the rules and laws intended to enforce those rights are now anachronistic. But "Civil Rights" as it pertains to sexual preference and life style is now the issue in need of attention and moral/legal/ethical review--and so, well, and so it goes. Wonder how long those lines at the predominantly black polling stations are gonna be now that there's no one even pretending to keep watch.
There is now a sign on the out of service escalators at Grand Central Station North Entrance. It says the escalators will be out of service as of June 3rd. Huh? It's been broken since January! Is this to cover their tracks so they can subtract 6 months of no repair progress from the official record? Or is it just a spelling challenged sign maker? January--June...both start with J so I guess it's easy to see how one might confuse the two. And as I stood there reading the sign, I burst out laughing when I got to the end of their little polite public notice where they had the gall (and guts?) to call the never ending repair job an "enhancement" to our services for our customers. Orwell himself couldn't have said it better.
Can't maintain the every day posting (haven't for some time)-- and even every other day has become daunting of I may resort to more imported content like this from time to time to delude myself that I'm not a total slacker. This time around it's all from Drew and Natalie Dee at Toothpaste for Dinner and Married to the Sea. I love what they do and they've been doing it day after day for almost a decade.