Separated by a Common Language.
My son Eli sent me this link:
It's 22 Maps that show how Americans speak English differently from each other...and here's 3 of them. Sorry key and text is so small, but that's best I can do here...Use link to see all 22.
I've been around this "same thing/different word" block before, but after a little Googling and Pooling I found some new ones (I think they're new, haven't gone back to previous post to check)
- faucet (North) and spigot (South);
- frying pan (North and South, but not Midland), spider (New England; obsolete), and skillet (Midland, Gulf States);
- clapboard (chiefly Northeast) and weatherboard (Midland and South);
- gutter (Northeast, South), eaves trough (in-land North, West), and rainspouting (chiefly Maryland and Pennsylvania);
- pit (North) and seed (elsewhere);
- teeter-totter (widespread), seesaw (South and Midland), and dandle (Rhode Island);
- firefly (less frequent South and Midland) and lightning bug (less frequent North);
- pail (North, north Midland) and bucket (Midland and South).
"In the [American] South it’s called Coke, even when it’s Pepsi. Many in Boston say tonic. A precious few even order a fizzy drink. But the debate between those soft drink synonyms is a linguistic undercard in the nation’s carbonated war of words. The real battle: pop vs. soda." (J. Straziuso, "Pop vs. Soda Debate." Associated Press, Sep. 12, 2001)

The "off ox" in a team of two oxen is the one farthest away from the driver--and thus least likely to be seen or recognized--thus, "Adam's off ox," just means someone you're even less likely to know than Adam himself.
- "Sack and poke were both originally regional terms for bag. Sack has since become a Standard term like bag, but poke remains regional, mainly in South Midland Regional dialect."
(Kenneth Wilson, The Columbia Guide to Standard American English, 1993)

As with Betsy, we have no idea who Murgatroyd was. The various spellings of the name - as Murgatroid, Mergatroyd or Mergatroid tend to suggest that it wasn't an actual surname. While it is doubtful that the writers of Meet The People (Sig Herzig and Fred Saidy) were referring to an actual person, they must have got the name from somewhere.
And then there's this...which speaks for itself
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