Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I just bought a smart phone and filled it with apps
So I could be smart like the rest
But so far it’s turning
my life upside down
And with new monthly fees, that’s no jest

I’m no smarter at calling my friends or my wife
Nor much wiser for voice recognition
Where once in my head
I was filled with ideas
now I stare at a screen in submission

If scrolling through options aligned on my screen
has raised my intelligence quotient
it’s sure news to me
cause I’m scrolling away
and my thoughts don’t seem any more potent

I guess I’ll get used to those twitter alerts
While walking the dog or commuting
And wherever I roam
in groups or alone
Even shitting I’ll still be computing.

Yes it sure seems to me that it’s better by far
To be wired to all anytime
Cause you just never know
when someone will say “Yo!
Check out the poem I wrote, it’s online.!”


  1. I cannot believe: 1. How brilliant you are
    2. How much you read
    3. How much time you must have
    4. That you're even friends with me
    5. That I still can't figure out how to leave a comment
    6. How cute the picture of the pig is. I want one.

  2. Hey thanks Susan L. and it seems you did figure out how to leave a comment.

    love ya
