A bit late for a New Years feature, but I'm all out of ideas and yet determined to post something cause I'm always afraid that if I skip a day here or there it won't be long before my next post is my last. But then again, who knows what tomorrow may bring?
I Do! I Do!
The Supremes (the Nonet from Washington, not the trio from Detroit) will publish their opinion on the constitutionality of the HealthCare Bill without once mentioning the words Medicare or Medicaid--despite the fact that both of those words are the simplest and most obvious arguments for making the entire case before them moot. See link below for Jeffrey Toobin in this week's New Yorker.
The Mets will get off to a slow start, then they'll go into a complete tailspin and CitiField will have more empty seats than the Super-Dome during a Ghana v. Ethiopia soccer match.
Mitt Romney will stumble his way to the nomination, give terrible speeches, puttin his foot in his mouth dozens of times, offending just about everyone with his patrician cluelessness, and barely concealed aristocratic pomposity...and he'll still get enough votes to make it close. But he'll lose.
Sarah Palin will be talked into trying to make a bid as Mitt's VP choice. But she won't know that the people talking her into it were working for the Dems.
The Republican convention will be the first brokered convention since 1952. After seven ballots with Romney, Santorum, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich splitting the delegates--they ( The RNC) will (after extending the proceedings an extra two days)
meet behind closed doors and then on the eighth ballot the party will name their nominee. Ross Perot.
Someone from a reality TV show will become famous for some reason or another and 40 million people in America will know his/her name without being able to remember or identify how or why. A week later, the process will repeat itself with someone else. The pattern will continue till 2056.
On October 23rd, the very last CD will be bought. It will be a "Best of KISS" vol. 3.
The world of Fashion will introduce and celebrate a new trend called Nonchalance.
It will be part of an entire new vogue in tattoos and T-Shirts with messages like: Yeah? So?, Uh, huh, Alright, Sure, why not?
and I, uh, well, hmmm.
A new drug will be introduced that will be touted as providing relief for Gerontophobia. It will not only reduce anxiety about getting old, but will reduce symptoms related to the fear of aging dogs, cats and other household pets.
The Knicks will not make the playoffs and Carmelo Anthony will announce that he is taking a one year leave of absence from the league to become a Rapper with the new name of Da-Hog.
Beverly Hills High School will require all students to own at least one iPad. The local Board of Education in Jackson Mississippi will require all students to own at least one sharpened #2 pencil.
Someone will write a best-selling non-fiction self-help book about the direct correlation between good health and the reading of best-selling non-fiction self help books.
A new discount Airline will announce a "Super Low Price Super Saver Cargo Coach Fare". For a price 20% lower than coach fare, you will not only be able to fly with luggage, but you will fly as luggage. A row of benches built into the cargo hold will be reserved for passengers who will enjoy few amenities and even less oxygen, but will be able to rest their feet on any piece of luggage they choose.
Adrift on Driftwood will continue to exist as a blog, but all content will be uploaded automatically and directly through offshore pirate digital content sources. Those sources will provide dependable news, wonderful music, and provocative literary content unavailable through mainstream channels. Google will buy out these independent operators and Adrift on Driftwood will become the sole property of the parent company. The content will then be provided by The Huffington Post, FoxNews and Sony Music INC.
A few more Triolets:
Ruff ruff, ruff ruff and sniff sniff sniff,
Sit, stay, lie down and sleep
I know you say you love me but to me it makes no diff
Ruff ruff, ruff ruff and sniff sniff sniff
Got steak? I’ll change my riff
Ya think with dry bland cereal I’ll never make a peep?
Ruff ruff ruff ruff and sniff sniff sniff,
Sit, stay, lie down and sleep
The omelet that you say you want we here call a Frittahtah
Soup of the day is soup de Jour cause French is de righueurr
And for the specials of the house, there’s Yada, yada, yada
The omelet that you say you want we here call a Frittahtah
I recommend our bubby, lest (ha ha) you want tap wahttah
And as for that fine entrée’ to which you did refurhhh
The omelet that you say you want we here call a Frittahtah
Soup of the day is soup de Jour cause French is de righueurr
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