Thursday, November 15, 2012

Back in April...
...I penned an updated version of a G&S classic with the title 

I Am The Very Model of A Presidential Candidate

I now offer a new version to serve as final reprise and epilogue 

 I Was 
The Very Model Of 
A Presidential Candidate 

I was the very model of a presidential candidate
Was whiter than the snows that fall so pure upon the Utah State
My family goes back so far in this great country’s history
And that is why the truth of who I am remains a mystery
My wife and kids are models of the virtues that our faith bestows
On those who watch their p’s and q’s and never step on Daddy’s toes
They’re loyal and obey their god, but I’m not known to spare the rod
Just one false step and you can bet I’ll send them to the land of Nod.

The Pundits all assured me saying “Mitt, you got this in the bag”
And in the polls all summer long it seemed I hardly ever lagged
In fact they seemed to show that ever since I won those fun debates
That I was gaining ground and turning blueish into reddish states
But now I see that some of them were simply going with their gut
That folks would vote for anyone who said “ The country’s in a rut”
They told me we could never fail, that liar Rove should be in jail
I made them rich, son-uv-a-bitch, we wagged the dog  to no avail.

And now Obama’s back in charge, and getting four more years of work
While I sit here and think about Paul Ryan (what a friggin jerk)
I gave him his big shot to give our great campaign a moral boost
And every time he spoke his mind he brought his chickens home to roost.
Latinos, blacks, most women and the young folks they all got me wrong
I promise they’ll regret it soon and betcha that before too long
They’ll all wish they had chosen me, to save our great plutocracy
cause no one who knows anything believes in a democracy

 Extraordinary Rendition.
Combining two euphemisms.  Extraordinary for illegal, and rendition for kidnapping to secretly torture. Wonder if the judges on  American Idol, The Voice and The X-Factor were advised to avoid using it in their assessments of contestant performances. 

The blogosphere takes another hit.  Apparently the much publicized report of  General Allen's voluminous (up to 30,000 pages) e-mail correspondence with the socialite Kelley woman in the Petraeus affair was in error.  Seems they were counting pages of documentation that consisted of many multiple copies of entire e-mail threads with each new e-mail addition.Revised estimates have it down to low thousands.  Whew, big relief to we scribes who struggle to fill a couple of pages a day.

False Cognate of the day. 

Embarazada -  Spanish for "I'm pregnant."
BTW.  Falso Amigos is Spanish for false cognates. 

S is for:

Having bad breath
Pertaining to the game of chess, or to chess pieces
Having huge feet
One who eats worms
The habit of dropping in at mealtimes
The act of self castration
A filthy, slobbering person
Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere
Having a fat behind
The pleasure of being able to say "to hell with it."