Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Maybe I shouldn't of gotten into wasting my time with such nonsense, (like I have time to think about such things 24/7) but at this moment in time, I personally feel that it's time to say a few words in defense of top ten lists.  For at the end of the day, and with all due respect to those immune to their charms, most people love lists. Okay, it's not rocket science, but for a light diversion, they're harmless.  They're a fairly unique way of celebrating our preferences and priorities--and as David Letterman has proven, an absolutely sure-fire way to get laughs.  By the way, have you seen Leno show lately? It's a nightmare. 

Sorry, and can only hope that you were momentarily horrified--but couldn't resist the urge to preface the following by tossing the top ten most irritating phrases (as compiled by group of researchers at Oxford U and featured in the book on left) into one most irritating paragraph. The title of the book refers to the misuse of the expression Damp Squib, which refers to a small explosive device rendered useless by moisture.  The Book, being Brit based, skews toward peculiarities of usage on their side of the pond, but interesting to me how this list corresponds quite well with prevalent stateside annoyances. 

The top ten most irritating phrases:
1 - At the end of the day
2 - Fairly unique
3 - I personally
4 - At this moment in time
5 - With all due respect
6 - Absolutely
7 - It's a nightmare
8 - Shouldn't of
9 - 24/7
10 - It's not rocket science

The researchers who compiled the list monitor the use of phrases in a database called the Oxford University Corpus, which comprises books, papers, magazines, broadcast, the internet and other sources.

Admittedly lean and lame post, but busy day as last minute Holiday season "where's my stuff?" missives  go whizzing through the digital ether and I await with crossed fingers news from the field of  missions accomplished. 

So I'll keep this one short and forward something...

...sent to me by someone (Thanks GG) I would never suspect had a single sentimental bone in his body. But upon watching it, I realized that if sentiment is (so aptly defined by Arthur Miller) unearned emotion, then this is anything but sentimental since this kid has earned every bit of my affection.  I'd embed it here, but they don't allow here's the link. Mute the sound if Queen track grates on you as it does on me.  

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