Monday, June 3, 2013

Like all red blooded Americans, I gotta beef ...

...With PBS and their ever-increasing proliferation of advertising.  Just because you show Ballerinas and Cellists doesn't make your Insurance commercials any less annoying.  How do they keep their Non-Profit status and still get away with that?

...With Metro-North Railroad boasting that they are adding hundreds of new cars on the line while monthly ticket is almost 250 bucks--which is about a dollar for every step you gotta climb to reach the street since the escalators at the North End broke down.  It's been what?  Four months?  Five?  More like six.

...With Times Square area cops giving food trucks and street vendors a hard time.  Times Square is by tradition a chaotic commercial district of garish and vulgar diversions with all manner of populist appeal.   So what's the problem with the street vendors and food trucks?  What harm are they doing?  They're probably providing the best quality eats in the neighborhood and at the best prices. Their trucks are often artfully and cleverly designed, and in contrast to the corporate sponsored monstrosities surrounding them, they're practically tasteful and subtle.  I think the city should be looking to find ways to accommodate more of them.

With FTD Flowers and other sites that won't process unsubscribe requests.  My mother died 6 years ago and FTD continues to send me personalized reminders every mother's day using her name and urging me to send her a gift. It's strange and jarring but mostly completely unethical for them to provide an "unsubscribe" option and not honor it.

I have more but don't want to be just another griping blogger, so back to fun and games...

All you need is a little chutzpah and seventeen semitic syllables...

Colleague (non-jewish) and all around good guy (mostly) and reader (occasionally) of this space called my attention to this collection-- (should I be appreciative? Suspicious?  Offended?  I may need to consult a Rabbi) and after making my way through a few dozen it occurred to me:

Easy to write. And
easy to sell. It's Haiku!
All 'bout Jews! Genius. 

A sampler:

The curved greenish twig
is a snake!  Time to go back
to our hotel room

Scrabble anarchy
After putzhead is placed on
A triple-word score

In a stage whisper
A yenta confides the name
Of her friend’s disease

Firefly steals into
The night just like my former
Partner.  That gonif.

How soft the petals
Of the floral arrangement
I have just stolen

Shocking new finding
All this worrying really
Will give you cancer

Looking for pink buds
To prune back, the mohel tends
His flower garden.

Just passed the 10,000 hit mark on the blog...and wondering if perhaps that qualifies me for some kind of Blogspot reward--like a lifetime guarantee that when I pick a font or type size, or attempt to place an image within a body of text, it will be reflected in the published layout.  One can always dream. 

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