Thursday, October 25, 2012

It must have happened two dozen times or more.  We're working late  on some "critical" project with a fast approaching deadline, and while I rarely pushed past 10 pm, Frank would stick around  keeping everyone's energy up with take out Chinese food or pizza while calming frazzled nerves and lifting sagging spirits with his perpetual "what me worry" good humor. Invariably, the next morning I'd pop in and ask him how late he stayed the night before.  And his answer was usually "Round midnight"--even if it was closer to 2 am.   So this one's for Frank...who I know would've appreciated the taste and simplicity in the way this was shot.   

Note: Aside from the beauty of the tune and the sensitive interplay between all members of the group, what really grabs me is Wes' technique.  Single notes, octaves, chords and all with just his thumb.  Story is that before playing professionally (he only started playing six string guitar at the age of 20!)  he practiced late in the evenings at home after working all day as a machinist.  So he used his thumb to keep the sound softer so as not to wake up his wife.

I is for:

Speaking foolishly or saying silly things
The space between two windows

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