Friday, November 9, 2012

Capital PUNishment.

Punning takes guts. Even the best pun is likely to elicit a groan .
It's the nature of the banal beast.  But it's also the beauty of it. Puns are the Mutts of the language litter.  Scrawny, pathetic little bundles of joy.  And I love em. Even the lame ones have charms to tickle a logophile's longing for loopy linguistics.
And it's really hard to think of one by trying.  They almost always just pop into your head prompted by a word in another context and then the instinctive associative process takes its own course.  And when that happens, it can be very re-wording. Add a visual and it can be...

The above is by someone as shamelessly (actually, he appears to be more so)
infatuated--he's Craig Swanson and a visual punster with the courage to explore the depths of the most shallow seas of sophomoric silliness. And when he finds something, he renders it with such craft and artistry--which makes it even funnier.  Many of his most inspired ones wouldn't work without the imagery. 

You can find  his cartoons and long personal stories/explanations to accompany them-- as well as other stuff at:

And here's more:

O is For:

Obambulate:   To walk around.  Wander.

Obganiate:  To irritate someone by constantly repeating oneself.
Ombrophobia:  Fear of rain
Oneiric: Of, like or pertaining to dreams
Opisthosomal: Of, like or pertaining to posteriors
Oculoplania:  Letting one's eyes wander while assessing another's charms
Ozostomia:  Bad breath

The habit of fingernail biting

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