Thursday, November 8, 2012

I know that guy.  
You know that guy.  
There's lots of those guys. 
Am I that guy? 

MIT professor of atmospheric science, Richard Lindzen, published an opinion in The Wall Street Journal  entitled “Don’t Believe the Hype: Al Gore is wrong. There’s no ‘consensus’ on global warming.”

UC San Diego professor of history of science, Naomi Oreskes rebutted  with “Global Warming—Signed, Sealed and Delivered: Scientists agree: The Earth is warming, and human activities are the principal cause."

And just after Sandy, there was this in WSJ under title: 

Roger Pielke: Hurricanes and Human Choice

Sandy was terrible, but we're currently in a relative hurricane 'drought.' Connecting energy policy and disasters makes little scientific sense.

What's the average citizen to do? 

How bout place a bet?

and get in on the action.  There's money to be made in them thar ice caps. And while  there you can check out  some of the other horses at the gate including:  

Magnitude 9.0 (or higher) earthquake to occur anywhere before midnight ET 31 Dec 2012

A successful WMD terrorist attack to occur anywhere in the world before midnight ET 31 Dec 2013

United States to conduct overt military action against North Korea before midnight ET on 31 Dec 2012

Is this a great country or what?

Hadn't watched The Daily Show for many years, but had a hunch that last night might be something worth checking out since Stewart seems to become particularly inspired by events that justify his anger and disdain for FOX News and other mainstream news media. And I was right.  He was on fire. And some of his analysis was so on target that I forgot for a while that he was doing comedy.

Left out a few "M"  words last time, so...

 M again is for:

A state of depression or low spirits
One who sticks obstinately and wrongly to their old ways
The incorrect or excessive use of the letter M

N is for:
Someone who walks without shoes
Producing clouds of tobacco smoke
Belching with the taste of undigested meat
Pertaining to the day before yesterday