Friday, September 16, 2011

As previously noted... the house is a hop, skip and a few Kangaroo jumps from private bay beach. Been daydreaming for months about getting a sunfish and heading out toward Gardiner's Island and catching the bigger breezes out in the open waters. I caught the sunfish bug back in my late teens during a few weeks living on Martha's Vineyard with a troupe of Modern Dancers (courtesy of my sister who was a member of the troupe) and while they were busy cultivating their terpsichorean skills I was out on the water testing my ability to read the wind and see how much of it I could catch before keeling over. I loved it. And always imagined I'd return to it someday and now it seems I will. And at my age, it seems the perfect way to catch a maximum thrill with minimum risk.

For the uninitiated, here's a look at how it's someone who's pretty good at it.


  1. Brun to some, Renee to the rest, posts :
    this does not look too relaxing and most likely, the Sunfish will surpass my edge for adventure! But I will be happy and proud to watch you.

  2. terpsichorean-give me a break


  3. Renee, (can't call you Brundra till I get Woody's permission) you shouldn't be put off by the video, when the wind is calm, it's quite a soothing activity and I'll be happy to be your safe skipper.

    Martin, I think that improving one's vocabulary is more practical and rewarding than trying to understand why you dream of sleeping with your mother...or at least that's this sesquipedalean blogger thinks.
