But before I post the most recent update on the what's happening ..here's the where.
Our house in in East Hampton NY...That's out in the eastern (south fork) section of Long Island and more specifically in an area called The Springs. It's not the ocean beach area...that's pretty much fully occupied currently by the likes of Paul McCartney, Steven Spielberg and assorted others whose vacation home narrative would probably begin and end with " I bought it."
Look right above the umbrella at Albert's Landing on the map below and that's about it. Nice spot and the house is just a few hundred feet from a private beach looking out at Gardiner's Island four miles northeast.

So right now here’s what’s happening. Seems we have an insurance glitch. It’s not bad enough that getting any insurance at all was a slog since in East Hampton-- you simply can’t get any major insurance company to cover you at all. As if just by having the poor judgement to go and buy something where hurricanes touch down periodically and tides tend to wash away beachfronts you've already identified yourself as a bad risk. But don't get me started on Insurance policies or I'll have to start an entirely new blog. And now that we’re doing renovations there’s the new problem of getting coverage for the rebuilding phase which is apparently a separate issue from “ Builder’s Risk and Liability” insurance. I guess I assumed that was something assumed by the builder…but what do I know...just recently I discovered that you have to pay to have someone come and locate your septic tank. That's right, I said "locate". Seems it's not unusual to not know where the damn thing is. They install it, cover it up with grass and forget about it. No marker, no record no map...so when you have to go back, you've got to find it all over again. The guy who came and did the work looked at me like I was asking a silly question when I tried to understand this mysterious practice. " Yeah, that's the way they do it..." Easy for him to accept, he gets paid to find it every time.
Anyway back to insurance...my fellow Drifters (the other five who do practical and productive things as opposed to writing blogs and whining) have been trying to sort this out today and it seems—as usual, we learned something new …when Ellen questioned the insurance broker as to the necessity of getting new coverage during reconstruction period she got this back in response:
I wish I could write like that. Must be fun not worrying about where to put your adverbs and let all the modifiers just dangle around and fend for themselves. And I love the 60 day vacant rule too. Maybe we could use it to justify dumping this place and moving into McCartney or Spielberg's place when they're off on tour or shooting a movie.
Hoping to have time tomorrow to get back to the back-story.
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