Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Challenge of the day, courtesy of my editor...

who maintains that there are complex mathematical factors involved here, but it's all beyond me. So as you ponder (or choose to ignore) this foolishness, scroll down to see what other readers submitted in response to the following:

Suppose you’re on a game show, and you’re given a choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door — say, No. 1 — and the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door — say, No. 3 — which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to change to door #2?

Do you stick with door #1 or do you switch? And is there an advantage either way?

reader responses below....

I would already know where the car is because the host and I would probably have met earlier in the green room and I’m sure once he got to know me he would tell me. --Sarah Palin

I wouldn’t really worry too much about it since I don’t need a car.
--George Bush.

Opening doors is what I do--doors to opportunity, doors to equality, doors to justice. I would do what’s right and expect the host to do the same with respect for me as a human being and a representative of a community of hard working citizens who need more cars…not more goats.
–Rev. Al Sharpton

It would not matter. The value of a car is only greater than the value of a goat if you choose to believe that it is. To have a goat can be the greater blessing, especially for one who lives where there are very bad roads. --The Dalai Lama

I would question why I even wanted to be on this stupid show in the first place and wonder how I even got there and then I would be overcome with anxiety and panic. I would break out into hives and …did you say goat or coat? I could use a new coat. -- Woody Allen

I have so much love in my heart for anyone who has to face difficult choices in their lives. I’ve had my share of tough choices and I think in this situation I would consider what I have learned from my past and simply offer to buy the car from the producers of the show so I could perhaps pass it along to someone who has not been as fortunate in life as I have been.
---Oprah Winfrey

Yeah, I’m gettin down with your door #1 door. And then I’ll get down with your door#2 door. I’ll get down with that goat too if she knows how to get down. HEY GOAT! Do you know how to get down? Haaaaah…you just, just, just can’t stop me … and I just can’t help myself… HIT ME! Heyahhhh ha!.
--James Brown

Winners always make the right choice because they understand that winning is all about making the other guy make the tough choices. If you think like a winner and act like a winner you will have all the cars and goats you want. And if I chose the door with the goat you can bet it’s because I wanted that goat, and I was willing to do what was necessary to get it. --Donald Trump

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