Every time I go away on vacation to some warm, slow, friendly, quiet, nature soaked land, I always return home with the same thought (as I ride along the Van Wyck Expressway on the way home from the airport) –“What am I doing back here?” It’s not the cold and it’s not the concrete and asphalt and it’s not the crowds and it’s not the dearth of trees and grass and sea and sand and clean fresh air. It’s the endless hum of all the engines of commerce and consumption …which just so happen to be the very engines that drive the vehicle that provides me with a living. Which begs the question: “ You call that living?”
Okay…I’m breaking my silence. My blogging mentor at teddyvegas.blogspot.com is the gold standard in sports analysis ( you can just go there now if you want a more advanced POV) so I’ve thus far kept off his turf, but I gotta say a few words about the Knick resurgence and the man who lit the fire that continues to burn bright for Big Apple hoop fans--and for the first time in a long time I'm paying attention and watching more than a few 4th quarters here and there.
I’m glad Jeremy Lin has settled down into the player he’s probably destined to be— a smart, selfless, skilled, quick and consistently effective point guard who makes everyone else on the court better by virtue of his general court sense, anticipatory decision making (those turnovers will abate) and energy. Those high scoring outbursts were clearly anomalies (partly due to opposing teams who were taken by surprise by his unexpected aggressiveness and determination) and unlikely to be the standard he maintains…but that’s all to the good since his real value is in energizing the rest of the team, directing traffic, dishing off the drive, and perhaps doing what would be the greatest miracle of all—turning Carmelo into a true team oriented star.
And seems like N. Djokovic, Lin has some mimicry talent--displayed here when he was a 15 yr. old high-schooler.
I felt from the beginning of Lin's heroic streak, that as good as he is, he looked that much better cause the rest of the guys on the court were just going through the motions. And watching D'Antoni in pre and post game interviews, he always looked and sounded like a high school principal trying to avoid admitting that the kids are just too spoiled and entitled to respond to any kind of outside authority or discipline.
My son, Eli, sent me the revised draft of the sit-com pilot he wrote with my other son Will. I thought the last one was great. This one’s even better. I wish I had “green light” power, I’d switch it on in a heartbeat.
Mentioned Matt Munisteri (Thanks to Dave Shapiro) a few posts back and found this online. Kind of a cool video, and a taste of what he does…but just a taste. You’ll find a more varied and eclectic mix of him in various settings if you search a little.
Don’t have much else today, except some leftover table scraps (mostly Jewish/Yiddish quotes) that I had considered using in previous posts but for some reason or another didn’t make the cut.
My father never lived to see his dream come true of an all-Yiddish-speaking Canada.
David Steinberg
I'm not really a Jew; just Jew-ish.
And the only time I feel like a full jew is around Anti-Semites.
Jonathan Miller
I was raised in the Jewish tradition, taught never to marry a Gentile, women shave on Saturday and most especially never to shave a Gentile woman on Saturday.
Woody Allen
Look at Jewish history. Unrelieved lamenting would be intolerable. So, for every ten Jews beating their breasts, God designated one to be crazy and amuse the breast-beaters. By the time I was five I knew I was that one.
Mel Brooks
Some Yiddish expressions (in translation)
If you want your dreams to come true, don't sleep.
A man is not honest simply because he never had a chance to steal
Man plans and God laughs.
The girl who can't dance says the band can't play.
That which is practiced in youth will be pursued in old age.
It never rose and it never flew
Figurative translation: It is bullshit!
When a fool is silent, he too is counted among the wise.
Troubles and soup is better than just troubles alone.
And this leftover from marriage post many months ago…
A man and a woman cannot live together without having against each other a kind of everlasting joke. Each has discovered that the other is a fool, but a great fool. This largeness, this grossness and gorgeousness of folly is the thing which we all find about those with whom we are in intimate contact; and it is the one enduring basis of affection, and even of respect. G.K. Chesterton.
Assorted One Liners
I'm not into working out. My philosophy: No pain, no pain.
Where are we going? And why am I in this handbasket?
I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.
Please, if you ever see me getting beaten up by the police, please put your video camera down and help me --Bobcat Goldthwait
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