Monday, September 26, 2011

Was planning on again posting something this morning about how quiet things were here at AOD, then suddenly I discovered (to my delight) that a few fellow drifters ( and a drifter daughter) had checked in (thanks to Ellen) to give me a few pats on the back.
Thanks all, I no longer feel like the John Kennedy Toole of the blogosphere. (Go look it up Marty.)

Hope by end of day to post something of greater interest, but first gotta write a speech for an industry event where opportunities for playful punning and good natured needling are as frequent as location markers for septic systems.


  1. I'll bet there are other drifters who drift through this blog without you realizing that they have drifted. their drift is just too swift. Catch my drift?

    More pats on the back,

    a fellow Driftee

  2. Stealth drifters huh? Ok with me...all drifting is appreciated. Thanks for the tip, the pat and the visit.
