Thursday, September 15, 2011

Was telling someone about the house and she happened to know where it is because she's an artist and once went out to the area to check out the former home of the infamous bad boy paint splasher Jackson Pollack. I haven't been to the place but apparently it's something of a tourist draw and I'm happy to note that it appears to be somewhat smaller (at least width-wise) than our digs.

Also thought I'd feature a short clip from the Pollack BioPic which I never saw, but from what I can gather from this clip it depicts the abstracted (pun intended) hero attempting to apply his canvas painting technique to asphalt. Wonder if this was shot around actual location. Wonder too why I care, except for the fact that it's fun spotting places you know in movies.

and while I'm in this A/V mode and feeling too lazy to's a shot of the ladies of the house.
Ellen complained about the last shot I posted, so I hope this makes up for it...though I suspect not. Wow, this blog is starting to become a mess...I have to settle into some kind of routine here instead of just posting something every time I get a spare 10 minutes. Not even bothering to spellcheck...or is that spell-check? Or Spell Check?


  1. If nothing else, we sure look very happy.
    By the way, I'm at my happiest during the anticipation phase, which is right now,
    dreaming of weekends together with the other Drifters. I guess you can call that being out of touch with reality!

  2. If you're happiest in anticipation, maybe we should just cancel all the work and just all dream together. That usually works for me.

    Thanks again for stopping by.
