Monday, August 20, 2012

Don't know how, don't know why, don't know who...
but I've got about 28 (and counting) readers from the Ukraine who seem to enjoy their time here well enough to keep returning for more-- and sometimes even bringing new friends along (I assume they're friends) so that I now feel that if I lost my (way fewer than 28) stateside readers I'd still feel obligated to keep at this for the sake of my loyal comrades from Odessa, Kiev and Lvov.  So thanks you guys and gals...Ya tebe kahayu !!!

I confess. 

I'm a Jew but I'm drawn to the concept of Original Sin.
I couldn't get even halfway through The Chosen by Chaim Potok.
I never met a Rabbi I considered spiritually enlightened
The movie "Life is Beautiful" left me cold and angry.
I've never been sorry that I didn't vote for Al Gore.
Watching American Idol depresses me.
I think America's Funniest Videos is entertaining.
I'm uncomfortable in fancy restaurants...for a host of reasons, not the least of which is that they are frequently uncomfortable.
As a child, I put the thermometer on the radiator to fake a fever whenever I wanted to stay home from school.  (My mom was on to me, but she let me get away with it)
I cheated on a math test in High School...
...and a few in Jr. High School. (thank you Jeremy!)
For money, I wrote a few papers for fellow students in college.
I stole office supplies from most of the jobs I've had. 
I think Bruce Springsteen ....oh, never mind.  
I prefer Neil Simon to David Mamet.
The only time I ever successfully solved NY Times Puns and Anagrams was with lots and lotsa  help from my sister Deb
I'd enjoy Opera more if they took out the singing.
I Like Norman Rockwell .
Competitive gymnastics often appears to me as child abuse.
I like watching Golf on TV.
I thought Roseanne was a great show.
Oprah Winfrey frightens me. 
I still like Obama.
I eat Twizzlers. Then I feel sick. Then I eat more Twizzlers.
Before seeing a Shakespeare play, I go online and bone up on the characters and plot--cause I wouldn't fully follow otherwise.
I still don't understand what The Occupy Wall Street movement wants. 
I pick my nose hairs in public.
I'm too lazy to use Shampoo, so I just use the soap.
I use my razor to trim the hair in my ears.
I use the internet to find new guitar voicings instead of figuring it out myself.
I sometimes use guitar TABS, and then feel guilty.
I smoke. I drink. I eat meat. And enjoy all three. 
Most Television News programs strike me as obscene.
Most Pornography doesn't.
I think Jews should go to confession.
I'm afraid to confess to the things I probably most need to confess to. 

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