Friday, August 17, 2012

Out on a Limb-Rick again

To wash out our nation’s worst stain
Simply grab that old pen from Mark Twain
And remove from Huck Finn
All the Niggers within
then that stain will go right down the drain.

To be president, just put the fix in
Stand astride both the Mason and Dixon
Say “Your taxes I’ll cut…
Get you out of your rut”
...Worked for Reagan, Bush, Bush II and Nixon

'Cept for those like the Sioux and the Creek,
The Chippewa, Ute and Blackfeet,
from some foreign nation
Came our whole population-
 but who cares?
It wasn't last week.

A "Bronx Bombers" groupie—nice bod!
To whom number 13 was a God
 fucked the other 39
thinking like Gertrude Stein
that “A-Rod is A-Rod is A-Rod.”

From the late great Bill Hicks:

"...No matter what promises you make on the campaign trail - blah, blah, blah - when you win, you go into this smokey room with the twelve industrialist, capitalist scumfucks that got you in there, and this little screen comes down... and it's a film of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you've never seen before, which looks suspiciously like the grassy knoll.... And then the screen comes up, the lights come on, and they say to the new president, 'Any questions?' "

Good buddy of my good Buddy (SL) posed an interesting question:  When you hear or read the word virulent, what word or phrase does it most often qualify?  I immediately thought of the disease related context, as in virulent strain, which he confirmed as correct...but then I couldn't figure out the second.  He finally revealed that it was: anti-semite. 

“The human brain is a complex organ with the wonderful power of enabling man to find reasons for continuing to believe whatever it is that he wants to believe.”  Voltaire.

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