Monday, May 6, 2013


…that people who drink more than 16 ounces of coffee before leaving home for work in the morning are more likely to ignore laws prohibiting public urination.

87.7% of men who pay $200 for a haircut say that it is because it's twice as good as a $20 haircut.  When informed that "...if true, that would still mean you're overpaying by $160..." 64% of them just shrugged and took a sip of their $500 a bottle wine. 

…that crossword puzzle clues requiring knowledge of reality TV show stars are 82 % more likely to remain unanswered (and resented) by puzzle solvers born before 1978.

 Apples And Oranges are  closely related.

"Not only was this comparison easy to make, but it is apparent from the figure that apples and oranges are very similar. Thus, it would appear that employing the apples and oranges metaphor as a way of indicating significant differentiation can no longer be considered valid-- and can be anticipated to have a dramatic effect on the strategies used in arguments and discussions in the future." 

…Over 77% of Music industry executives above the age of 50 are often found wandering aimlessly through the office corridors of their respective entertainment conglomerates and/or on the streets of their respective cities searching in vain for the nearest Sam Goody, Virgin, or Tower Records store.

…99.92 % of all smart phone users use .034% of the available applications and tools available on such devices.  Texting,  playing games, checking e-mail, and “pretending to be doing stuff to keep from interacting with those around me” constitute the four most popular uses.

...81% of Wall Street analysts employed by media companies to provide expert commentary are not professional Wall Street analysts. And 58% of the remaining 19% who claim that they are, are liars. 


Deceptive Sports Statistic Alert:  

Listening to guy on radio talking NBA.  Cites the statistic that with a series level at 2-2, "the team that wins game 5 has gone on to win the series 18 times out of 24."  Thus  concluding that a game five victory provides "momentum" going into the final 2 games. 

Momentum?  Consider: the team that is down 2 to 3 needs to win both remaining games. That means a 50% chance in each, and a  25% chance of winning both games , yes?  So in 24 games the team that's down has a probability of winning the series six times.   Which is  precisely what has happened historically. Winning game 5, in other words, has conferred no special "momentum".  You math wizards out there correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what's more significant is that the history is so consistent with the probability.  You'd think that home court advantage, injuries, superstar with flu etc... at some point  would have skewed the numbers a bit by now. 

 Dedicated to my son Will

...those birds chirping in the morning. Those goddamn birds!  At 5 in the morning!

...Times Square is back to smelling like Times Square

...The Tourists are wearing shorts.  And shivering.

...Our dog got skunked.  (A week ago.  She still stinks. And so does the house)

...The frozen grassless patches in the backyard are now mud.

...The sunlight through the window is making it hard to watch 7 o'clock Jeopardy. 

...The DIY Woodworking magazines feature plans for making picnic tables 

...Metro North trains are on time.

...It's hard to find a bike rack space at the station.

...Comedians are doing sexually oriented jokes that begin with
"You know it's Spring when..."

...You now realize that the woman  on 15th floor isn't getting fat, she's pregnant. 

Bloggers feel even worse than usual about sitting in dark rooms in front of computers tapping out their daily doodles on beautiful days.

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