Wonder if at the time (May 17, 2002) any shrewd observer deigned to ask why and for whom this speech was given.
Looking back it's so painfully obvious.
Michael Lewis' Big Short made me laugh. This just made me nauseous. Any chance he might want to pick up the tab on all those foreclosures?
If you can watch this all the way through, you've got a stronger stomach than me.
Great article in New Yorker last week on John Maynard Keynes and the role of government in times of economic crisis.
Sorry for the out of character detour into the darker realms of human debasement, I'll try and regain my more lighthearted footing next week. In the meantime I'll share with you some pix I took in Ghana when we went to visit Will during his semester abroad. I've discovered that when I'm feeling a little down and discouraged, these pics and memories of that trip provide almost instant relief and put a smile back on my grumpy face.
This needs no words.
Typical day at the Mall
Typical day at the beach
Typical local socializing. With the inevitable sales pitch. I bought the drum (under my arm)
Will was no push-over. He could duck and parry and spar all day with them...and keep it real and cool.
And anytime I think our little vacation cottage feels a bit too tight for comfort, I'll try to remember this little gallery that housed two owners and a few dozen works of art in a space roughly the size of the average Minivan.
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