Returning to original mission of blog with house update. As promised, latest photos of progress as witnessed by all but me and Ellen. That's Woody, Marty, Karen left to right. And as you can see, you don't need a wide angle lens to get the entire house in frame.

This used to be the garage, now a bedroom...increasing size of living space by approx 30%. The whole project has been pretty much an exercise in the proverbial "how many clowns can you squeeze into a VW Beetle?"

We told builder we wanted it airy and open...perhaps we overstated the case.

Lawn jockeys are politically incorrect, so we're installing Woody as a permanent greeter.

Construction costs are soaring, but we're saving a bundle on furniture.

Came home from weekend in Boston attending dear friend's daughter's spectacular wedding (where the tent under which we partied was about the same size as our property here) to flurry of e-mails regarding dozens of minor decisions to be made ASAP. Gonna recuse myself from debate on most of those issues and enjoy my minor victory about installing wood fireplace.
Last week Ellen and Renee went shopping for bathroom stuff...don't quite understand why the below was necessary since Ellen can buy shoes online without trying them I'm guessing it's that she's so drawn to water she couldn't resist.

Thanks for pix fellow drifters.
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