When I began this blog many posts ago I introduced you to my fellow Drifters in a mostly tongue-in-cheek manner, but it was also a serious attempt to familiarize the disinterested reader with some character details that might make the ongoing narrative a bit more universally appealing. And I also wanted to lay the foundation for future posts in which I could continue to explore the issues arising out of our joint decision to embark on this communal journey which promised (and still promises) to be a learning experience for all of us. And this blog was initially intended to be at the very least a day to day ( which was too ambitious as it turns out) documentation of the practical processes involved-- and at most a personal and historical record that could serve as a lasting and valuable addition to what we are building together for our future.
Which all gets me to thinking again about the six of us as individuals. And the six of us as a team. And the six of us as connected in ways that represent something larger than ourselves and in many ways a reflection of the age and world we live in.
The very fact that we have known each other as long as we have (and don't forget, Ellen, Woody and Renee all grew up together on the same street and probably have no memory of a time when they didn't know each other) is already something of an anomaly in our socially scattered society. I don't know many people who know that many people with whom they spent their childhood together. I only have one current friend who goes back as far as Jr. High School and I only see him a few times a year. And though I'm not a projectable sample, I would guess my experience is more common than is that of Woody, Renee and Ellen. In fact, for years I've teased Ellen about this and joked that perhaps it's because they've never grown up and never really left home (which is entirely untrue) and that they are totally out of step with the rest of the world where friendships and relationships are more apt to change as frequently as cellular phone technology. The fact remains though, that the bond between Woody, Ellen and Renee is a strong and unique one...and the longevity of that bond is more the exception than the rule. And without that bond, there's little chance we would ever do something like this house project with anyone else.
So that leaves me and Karen and Marty. Let's call them The Spouses for short. The other three I'll call The Founders.
Craps...got a fire to put out at work...will return at a later date...
meantime...figure this one out if you can...Using the grid below, how many words can you find? Each word must contain the central Q and no letter can be used twice, however, the letters do not have to be connected or adjacent. Proper nouns are not allowed, however, plurals are. There is at least one nine letter word. Excellent: 7 words. Good: 6 words. Average: 5 words.

Common words: equip, EQUIPMENT, queen, quiet, quieten, quit, quite.
All words: equine, equip, EQUIPMENT, pique, piquet, queen, quiet, quieten, quin, quint, quinte, quip, quit, quite.
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