Sunday Times arrives Saturday morn (a perk for we home delivery customers) and there front and center in the real estate section looking as serious and distinguished as we know him to be is…Woody! You can read article below…we were all impressed except for Woody who regrets that he didn’t prepare better ( how well can you prepare for an interview?) and express himself with the high level of precision and eloquence that he expects and demands from himself. To be expected of course since no truly dedicated and disciplined leader is ever fully satisfied with his performance—which is how and why they remain leaders.
Karen’s Saturday however was one she would probably prefer to forget. Long story short is that sudden onset of severe pain led to sudden visit to Emergency room where it was discovered that she had been stoically enduring the passing of a kidney stone and by the time she was in the hands of the pros the worst had passed. Woody was in Connecticut with his parents so I took her to the hospital ( While Ellen stayed home nursing a bad cold—otherwise she’d have been there in a jiff) and sheesh, Karen is one tough cookie. And far too honest for her own good. When asked in Triage how she would rate her pain on a scale of 1-10, she thought for a moment and said five. Really Karen? Five!? You’re in the emergency room where on a slow day you’re liable to wait an hour to see a doctor and you’re telling them that your pain is a 5? Okay, so her condition wasn't as bad as that poor little girl with burns on her arm crying while her dad attended to her younger sister…but still—you gotta tell them the pain is real real bad or you’re going to the end of a very slow moving line. Anyway, she’s okay now and even woke the next day and drove out with Woody to check out progress on the house construction. When I get new pix I’ll post.
Will and Eli spent the better part of last week writing a Situation Comedy Pilot script. They pulled a couple or three all-nighters and spent the better part of their other waking hours hammering away at it. I’m a tough critic and not easily impressed—but I gotta hand it to them, they pulled it off and it’s good. It’s fast, funny, smart, lean and eminently producible. I’d produce myself it if I were one of those people who could, but I can’t so we’ll see if they can find a way to shop it. Gonna try and figure out how best to help em out with my meager connections. Lily (Eli’s gal) flew in Saturday and she’s always a total pleasure to be with and now the home front is hoppin again and there’s more noise, food and laughter than usual. And Will is performing for the second time tonite at Carolines. All new material and I’m looking forward to every joke, even the ones at my expense.
My friend Alex ( headache specialist extraordinaire, creator of all natural OTC remedy Migralex http://www.migralex.com--and fearless leader of the monthly motley men's book group) sent the link below. Could this be true? I thought I had a rough on idea of some of the numbers and what was going on but this is staggering. And this is just Bank of America…I just did some digging (Bloomberg sources mostly) and discovered that there have been other transfers of this magnitude before this, and similar sized holdings are now being dumped (or rumored to be on the way to being dumped—who really knows what’s happening behind closed doors?) onto our laps from four or five other banking institutions. Holy Henny Penny & Cocky Locky—is the sky really falling? How do we climb out from under this? Please mommy, make it go away…or teach me how to weld or lay brick or catch, skin and cook wild boar.
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